
Monday, October 2, 2017

A Birthday Party for Harris

This boy was so excited to turn four-years-old this week!

Then, on Saturday, we joined him and his family for a fun birthday party celebrating his big four-year-old birthday.
I loved the invitation his mom sent us!

Harris let us all know exactly how old he is and was proud to be such a mature young man.

They held the party at a local community center and park and it was a perfect spot for such a celebration.

The decorations were simple with black and yellow disposable table coverings and balloons.  The treats Harris sent home with celebrators were his favorite candies in a small clear bag with a cute little tag tied onto it.

The children played on the playground while Harris's mom and dad set up the food.

We feasted on home cooked BBQ and grilled hot dogs, potato chips, and delicious birthday cake!  The adults enjoyed some relaxed socialization under the covered pavilion and the children enjoyed the playground.

Of course there was singing and blowing out candles and cake to be enjoyed.

Harris and his friends checked out all the gifts that he received.

It was a perfect afternoon and a fabulous time was had by all!  We look forward to celebrating many more with this big boy.

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