
Monday, November 20, 2017

Technology is a wonderful thing!

Sometimes, during the days, I will get random messages from the children of things that my grandchildren are doing.  It certainly brings a smile to my face and brightens my day.  There are also stories that are shared which bring laughter and, later, smiles as well. 

Like when Bridgette shares with me that Luci has really been getting into some things lately that were not really appreciated.  First, she was given a large box and some markers.  Bridgette had "eight minutes, Mama.  Only eight minutes!" to finish up a project she was working on for a client.  When she turned around, the box Luci had been given had a few marks on it but Luci was completely covered in marker. 

Then, a few days later, Bridgette was exasperated with Luci because one of the bean bag cubes we gave the children had suffered a seam rip.  Luci noticed the Styrofoam beads and became a bit curious and well, I will stop the story there.  Suffice it to say, the ending was not so pretty.

Only a few days later, Bridgette let me know that she and Luci had placed a load of laundry on the sofa which is only a few feet away from the door to Luci's bedroom.  Bridgette folded the laundry and Luci went to her room to play.  When Bridgette finished folding and took Luci's clothes in to put them away, she found Luci with a tub of baby powder that had been about three-fourths full.  Was being the operative word in that last sentence.  At that point, there was no powder left in the tub because Luci had shook it out all over the bedroom.  Again, the ending here was not so pretty.

Yet, today, I get photos like these two and one wonders how on earth such a sweet face could create such chaos.

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