
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sporting Events Can Be Entertainment

Mike and I are not really armchair quarterbacks.  We really could be considered more coaching from the couch.  We enjoy college football immensely.  We also like watching college basketball, baseball, softball, and even little league baseball.

Of course, we really enjoy watching the grandchildren playing sports.  At this stage, we don't anticipate that we will be coaching their college games from the couch but, I guess, one can never tell.  After all, the eldest is only eleven years old. 

For the past couple of years Lillie and Lydia have played softball and basketball.  They are pretty fun to watch and the stress level is really low because they and their teammates are truly at the learning level.  It is always interesting to think back to the first game of the season and compare it to the end of the season games.  Their progress is always quite obvious.

(Faces of other children have been blurred because I didn't get permission to post.)

Yesterday was the first game of the season for basketball.  It was also the first basketball game Mike had attended and watched court-side in years!  I don't think I have ever seen him laugh so much in such a short span of time.  He would get a chuckle out of their reaction and actions. 

(Faces of other children have been blurred because I didn't get permission to post.)

Of course, he and Luci (and when she wasn't playing, Lydia) were interested patrons at the concession stands.  After all, there is no better hot dog or popcorn than what is handed across the counter of a concession stand! 

We spent most of our day yesterday after driving a little longer than an hour and a half to see Lydia's game, coming back a bit closer to home to watch Lillie's game, and then driving a bit over an hour home. 

Even as we were watching TV last night, Mike and I would recall different things the girls said or did during the ballgames or concession stand visits and chuckle.  From when Luci ate almost an entire bag of popcorn before sharing one little piece with Mike to how Lydia seems to enjoy sitting on the sideline, sipping her water, and watching the game about as much as she does playing!

I got so involved watching the game - and, Mike informed me last night, sideline coaching - that I didn't get many photos.  Maybe next game!

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