
Friday, March 30, 2018

Spring Break and I need a break!

This was spring break for me.  I had the entire week off from school.  I'm looking forward to going back to work! 

I spent the week working on cleaning out our basement.  My mother-in-law is coming to live in the apartment we have in our basement soon.  So, we have to clean all our stuff out of there to make room for her and hers.  Mike is giving up his sausage-making area.  I am giving up my sewing/craft room.  We are giving up the space where our recumbent bicycle and treadmill sit silently - the area called the downstairs den.  We are also giving up the guest bedroom down there.  Yes, we had it fully furnished and functional.  So, a cleaning out was required.

Bridgette talked me into hosting a yard sale just prior to hauling whatever was left over to the local donation center.  So, that is what we did.  All.  Week.  Long.

How does one accumulate so much stuff?

I posted a few things to online social media and they sold.

There were a couple of surprises that sold online.  One was this milk can canister set.  I had no idea that McCoy Pottery was a thing.  But, obviously, somebody did.

The biggest surprise was the Disney cookie jar that sat on my counter and my children banged around while they were growing up.  Who knew it was a rare treasure?!

I can honestly say that I have never been more tired in my entire life.  I would not have made it if I had not had my daughter, Bridgette come up and give me some help.  Mike and I did some bundling, pricing, and cleaning on Monday after calling the doctor to get another prescription for my sinus and ear infection.  Then, I did a bit on Tuesday after going with Mike to the doctor to get an antibiotic for his cellulitis.  Yes, we are falling apart!  Bridgette and Luci came and helped out on Wednesday.  Then, on Friday, Bridgette and Lillie helped me put things out while Mike and Luci cooked breakfast and cleaned up after we ate.  Then, Luci played nurse while Mike propped his leg up a bit before they went to work in the greenhouse.

I am tired, tired, tired! I didn't get this worn out when we were cleaning out Daddy's estate for the auction.  I am zapped!  Wonder if I could get a break from my spring break?

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