
Monday, July 2, 2018

Splish! Splash!

This curious little lady loves her a bath!  She gets excited when the water is running and has to check it out.

Then, it is time to splash, splash, splash!  She kicks her feet and slaps at the water with her hands and just loves it.

On a recent visit, I got to take in all the splishing and splashing.  There was a good time to be had.

She doesn't mind the scrubbing and shampooing or the rinse cycle, either!  She just keeps splashing.

Dad happened to have bath duty on this visit while Mom was busy behind the scenes.  This little one is so pleasant, though, that she didn't mind the dry-off time when it was time to stop the splashing part.  She just gave us a few smiles and rolled along with it.

Now, I didn't say she was still and cooperative for the dry-off period.  Nope, that doesn't happen. 

No stillness with this girl!  She's got to be moving and Dad just has to keep up.

When she looks up at him and gives him a grin, though, I don't think it matters one bit!

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