
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Boys and Girls of Summer - Part 1

Bats and balls sort of become the symbol of summer for our family.  It has been this way for about 30 years and maybe even long before that when I was a young girl and my cousins and I would have a back yard ballgame.  Sometimes on spring holidays even my aunts and uncles would join in the fun and we would divide into teams and have some friendly competition.  Then, there were the times when I sat in the stands as a young girl and watched Mike play.
 The tradition has sort of been passed down through the generations and grown more popular, I guess.  This year, for example, Lillie played on her middle school softball team, kind of following in the footsteps of her uncle Bryan who did the same twenty or so years ago.
 Of course, the school bat and ball games could not really be called games of summer because they are generally played earlier in the year to be completed before school is dismissed.
 Lillie represented well, primarily playing as a sixth-grade JV player for her school team.  She seemed to enjoy it and, of course, I thought she was one of the best on the field.  After all, I am her grandmother and I am allowed to think like that.
Then, this happened and her days as a slugger for her summer team sort of came to a screeching halt.  She still serves as the bat girl, I think, but that just isn't quite the same as swinging the bat or wearing the glove out there in the thick of competition.
She has been a good spectator for her sisters and Harris and in the dugout for her summer team.
Ah! The Girls of Summer!

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