
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Musical Lamps

As I was dusting and doing some spring cleaning in the front bedroom this week, I did a little lamp moving.  The little night light that sat on this book case was moved to the back bedroom and this little antique lamp with the green shade and marbles in it took that spot.
The brass lamp that was once at my paternal grandparents' shifted from the bedside table over to the table where the little lamp with the green shade once sat.
The little white lamp that I bought in a recent online auction now sits on the bedside table to balance out the white antique lamp that sits on the other side of the bed.
While I'm not excited about the floral shade that is on this little white lamp, I do like the shape of it.  So, maybe I just need to be on the lookout for a white shade with a tulip shape like that.  Spring fluffing continues!

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