
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Early Delivery!

Since we are staying home, our family Easter gathering has been called off and we are hoping for a family get-together later this year.  I'm not sure if an egg-hunt will be involved but I am sure giggling and high-jinks will be if everybody can come together because that is just what happens when the ten grands and their parents are together.

We turned to online order and delivery for the treats this year.  When I was ordering, the companies were telling me that delivery might take longer for non-essential items.  Well, evidently chocolate coated cookies are deemed essential for some of the grands.  Abby Lee seems to concur with the early delivery!
By the way, I think one of the big brothers is enjoying one of the treats in the background as well!  I tried to capture the looks on their faces by getting a screenshot from the video. They all seemed to think the treats were a good deal.

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