
Saturday, April 4, 2020


I've been bugging Mike to put a new top on the table for the front porch.  A few months back a strong wind storm did a number on it and broke the glass top that was on it. 

Mike doesn't have quite the urgency that I do for the project.  So, I'm having to be patient. 

Patience is hard for me.

Yesterday, when I had finished working from here at home, I hopped on the ATV with Mike and we went for a ride.  We rode all over our ponderosa and even a little bit of the neighbors'.  We wound up back at Pop's barn where I checked out the progress of the seedlings he has been nurturing.

Then, we eased around the side of the barn to go close up the greenhouse for the evening to keep the new seed trays from getting too cool during the overnight temperatures.  I noticed something as we rode by the seedlings again.  Do you see it?
I think my exact words to Mike were, "I like how you crafted that plant table."
He responded, "Now, honey, that is a fine example of some redneck-carpentry there!"

So, today, when I mentioned how nice it would be if I had a new top on that table on the front porch so I have a place to set my coffee cup, he began to tell me how he would be glad to bring me one of those red plastic tubs and some different pieces of lumber to stack upon it.

Somehow, I'm learning that patience might be easier than I thought.

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