
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Father's Day!

Those acquainted with me know that I was always a Daddy's Girl and he was one of the few 'girl dads' of his day. In fact, I still try to parent and grandparent as much like he did as I can. He was honorable and honest, lovable and loving, respectable and respecting, wise and inspirational. Not only did he love us without measure, he also measured us with love. We had our differences as any parent and child do. Yet, he taught me that it is possible to disagree and still have a solid, wonderful, respectful relationship with others. 

I think I have always known how lucky I was to be born his daughter and how fortunate I was to live and be where I was and have the opportunities that he and my mother provided. He often reminded my sister and I of that in words but more often did so in deeds. 

I also had the good fortune to marry a man who is a wonderful father and grandfather. He is fun-loving and fun, lovable and loving, wise and inspirational, supportive and supporting of his own children and for mine as well. Mike is one who also loves our children and grandchildren without measure but also measures their accomplishments with love. There are high expectations but perfection is not one of those expectations.

On this Father's Day I feel ultra-fortunate to have the opportunity to be able to watch the father's of our grandchildren as they guide their own children toward independence and adulthood. I see my own father and husband reflected in each of them in some ways but I also see them navigating new adventures along their journey that are far different from the ones Mike and my Daddy could have ever imagined. 

I know that Father's Day may not mean the same thing to everyone that it does to me and that everyone is not so fortunate as to have a father like mine. However, I also know that there is a male in everyone's life who he/she looks up to at times like these and I hope you have a little time today to reflect on the positives of that male impact in your life and make plans to have that positivity shine through for somebody else.

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