
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Mother Has Gone Crazy

Yes, she has - Mom has gone crazy.  Well, at least when it comes to her stitchery.  Lately she has been working on a crazy quilt.  I cannot imagine how much time nor how many stitches she has in this piece. 
Here she is showing her work in progress.

Mama always has some sort of stitchery project going.  Her hands are never idle.  Often she will have more than one thing in-progress at the same time.  She has cross-stitched an uncountable number of samplers, wedding and birth announcements, ornaments, pillows, and pictures.  She recently completed a valance for her dining room window which featured a rose bouquet stitched on linen.  Every member of our family has been given gifts hand-crafted by her and all are beautifully created and stitched.  Her latest project has been to create some crazy quilt squares using the taffetas, satins, velvets, and trims from when she was a professional seamstress making formal-wear.  Many a lucky girl had her special dress stitched together by my mother - wedding dresses, bride's maid dresses, prom dresses, etc.  Of course, she also stitched up most any other type clothing or home decor at that time and she could turn out hand-made items in a speedy manner.  So, she is putting those scraps and bits and pieces together and adding her own embroidered vines, flowers, and illustrations to each piece. 
This shot shows a closer look at all the squares she has connected with the velvet.

This square has my sister and brother-in-law's names embroidered in the corner.

This one features the names of my daughter and her family.

This one has Mike's and my name embroidered in the corner.

This one has Mom's and Daddy's birthdates stitched in it.

This has my niece, Rebecca's name on it.

My son, Bryan and his wife Jessica have their name stitched on this one.

This one features my niece, Madalyn's name.

Here is one with Megan, my oldest niece, stitched upon it.

Once Mom got the squares connected together, she decided it needed some continuity and connecting a little more elegantly.  So, she is adding embroidery vines, trails, and more stitches creeping off the squares and around the velvet. 

Somehow, I don't think anybody is going to get to curl up under it -
I'd bet it is going to hang on a wall instead, won't you?

I know she is proud of it and I think Daddy is impressed with it, too!
Look at those smiles.

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