
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Frame Makeover

Mike had this framed print hanging in a room in the basement when we got married.

I just loved the pastoral view and the brown cows featured in it.  (I know this isn't the best picture in the world, but I think you can appreciate the pastoral nature of it.)  You can see in this next picture how the print is of a nice size but just seemed sort of wimpy and lost hanging above the chair there on the left.

Well, another treasure I stumbled across in a closet here after I moved in was an old wooden frame which was empty.  Amazingly, the woods seemed to be similar and they were almost the same size.  So, I just glued one to the other and beefed up the frame a bit. 

(I know, I know, this time the picture is a bit blurry.  But doesn't the frame look good?)  I think the heaviness of the frame gives the print some importance and I'm really pleased with the look of it.

 I think the over-all look of the heavier frame gives a better balance to this little sitting area.  Now, I think I just need a floor lamp to go behind this chair to give a little light for looking at a magazine or reading a book and this little niche will be complete!

I think I probably should have called this a metamorphosis and linked to Between Naps on the Porch.  Maybe someday I will figure out how to do that and will have time to do it, too!

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