
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Week for Bargains

A couple of weeks ago I bumped into a run of bargains.  First, I mentioned one afternoon that I wish I had a footstool on the deck and low, and behold, a couple of days later when I was looking for a lamp shade at Goodwill, I tripped over this beauty!
You can read a bit more about it HERE.

A couple of days later, Mike tried to raise the umbrella which sits down into the dining table on the deck and the little cord/rope which pulls it open broke - old age made it weak and pitiful - the cord/rope, not Mike. The canvas fabric was sadly faded anyway, so we decided to invest in new ones.  Then, the next day, we got a sale flyer from Tuesday Morning advertising umbrellas.  So, I trekked over to check them out. 

My color choices were John Deere yellow, brick red, navy blue, and chocolate brown - none in the hunter green that we had.  So, I went in search of the brown thinking that I would stick to earthy colors.  Mike and I had decided to go ahead and get two - one for each of the tables on the back porch.  Sadly, there was only one brown one at the store and I didn't want to trek all over the place looking for a second one.  So, I settled for navy ones.  (You know me and blue...)
Doesn't it look like they are just inviting you to come sit in their shade?

Here is a little closer look:

The one on this smaller table seems to look so well coordinated with the pretty blue pot filled with a deep purple verbena. 

One final bargain that I stumbled upon was my new hummingbird feeders.  I had seen them in a couple of places and liked the larger size of the bottle and the sturdiness of them back earlier in the spring.  Then, one day at my local Kroger grocery store, they were marked down from $8.99 to ninety cents each!  (Why didn't I buy more to give as gifts or to hang elsewhere in my yard?  ARGH!!!)
The cute little hummingbirds have really enjoyed them.  There have been times when I have seen up to six fighting to eat at the two feeders hanging on the back porch.  They are so quick, I have only captured one photo, though!
Isn't this little red-necked one a cutie?  (I know they are really called 'ruby throated' but here in the country, it really needs to be referred to as a red-neck!)
These bargains should bring a smile to my face day after day.  Don't you just love it when you find a bargain - or, even better, a run of them like this?

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