
Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I haven't shared many pictures of our Master Bedroom here before...

...and for good reason.

Namely because I have always felt it was a work-in-progress.

I still feel this way but I have recently spent a little bit of time summerizing it.  You know, lightening and brightening things up after having things warm and cozy for the cold winter months?

The first thing I did (besides washing linens and swishing dust off surfaces) is do some repairs on a coverlet that Mike's grandmother had given him years ago.  It is king-sized.  So, it covers everything and has a pretty drape off the edge of the bed.  It is matelasse and gives the look of an old white quilt that I like.  There were a few threadbare spots and a couple of holes worn through.  I struggled with how to patch this but retain the original beauty of it.  I wound up adding a flower-shaped patch to three or four spots.  I used the same linen fabric that was used to make the bay window seat cushion.  In retrospect, I wish I had bought a creamy white linen instead.  I guess I can always go back and do that someday.  
Antique Treasures

We have two antique oak beds that are much alike.  We are using the one that came to us via Mike's ancestors in our bedroom.  It has a high, ornately carved headboard.  The footboard has some carving and is topped off with a round piece of wood.  The bed rails are wooden and were much shorter as antique beds from days gone by were made.  Somewhere along the way, somebody cut the wooden bedrail and pegged in an extension to make it longer for more modern box springs and mattresses.

At the foot of the bed is a camel-back trunk that was given to me long, many years ago by my Great Aunt Mae.  There is a hilarious story by my Granny which describes her trip to get Aunt Mae and some furniture that was given to me but that is another story for another day...

On either side of the bed are antique oak tables.  One is a bit larger than the other but both have a shelf.  I have to keep the one on Mike's side simply decorated because he tends to fight something in his sleep I guess and will knock things off the bedside table.  The one on my side of the bed is always laden with a stack of books in readiness for my reading habit.  I have photos of my grandchildren and a humorous one of Mike wearing a Cinderella crown to be the first thing I see when I wake each morning.
My bedside table

As you can see, there is no styling for photos here!  I bought the cobalt blue antique lamp base years ago.  I made a parchment shade for it that was all the rage at the time.  Over the years, the shade became sad and dated looking.  So, I replaced it with the white glass one.  (I think it was on a green wooden lamp base and had fringe glued around the edge when I got it at a thrift store!)  

Above each of the tables is an old watercolor print of some flowers.  They are dated 1948.  The frames were originally a dingy creamy color.  The matting was also cream with a lime green under mat.  I got a wild hair and painted the frames one day.  Then, I painted the cream mats as well a with navy craft paint.  They seam to fit much better like that.  The prints were originally Mike's paternal grandmother's.  
Bed Linens

I love the mix on the bed right now.  First, there is the coverlet and the hand-made quilt my mother made us for Christmas a couple of years ago.  It is thick and warm and usually covers the bed during the winter months.  Because it is so colorful and we treasure Mama's handiwork, I just drape it across the foot of the bed to be handy if we get a chill.  The blue matelasse shams are treasure that I picked up at Goodwill for a couple of dollars each.  When I saw them, I knew that blue color would work well with the quilt and the bay window seat cushion color.  One of the white pillow shams had some stains on it.  So, I cut it down to make a cover for a throw pillow in the bay window.  The other sham centers up the bed nicely.  I think I must need a king-sized pillow to fill it out properly, though.  
Luxurious Pillows

Recently I gave Bridgette a couple of scrap rectangles of fabric and asked her to embroider mine and Mike's monogram on them.  Then, I took them and made them into a couple of throw pillows.  It turned out to be a project of headaches when I was constructing them but I still like the look of the tan initials on the cream and blue paisley linen fabric.  I think the textures and colors on our bed are wonderful and restful.  
Reading Corner

Standing just in front of my bedside table and looking across the room at the opposite corner, you can see my reading corner.  I bought the chair years ago at the Nashville Flea Market for $35.  I love the size and shape of it.  I want to make a slipcover for it or have it reupholstered but I cannot decide with what fabric I want to cover it.  I first thought I wanted to use the damask print I used on the Bargain Ottoman.  However, I don't really like how that fabric is wearing - it must have enough polyester in it that makes it look worn in a way I don't like.  I am leaning toward using a canvas drop-cloth or a linen fabric I've been saving back for some special project.  I've just got to decide if I want lots of pattern or simple and basic.  Dilemmas!  

The dresser is one that was handed down to Mike from some dead relative.  The little table to hold my iced tea, coffee, or ice water (and lotions and creams) is a Longaberger stand.  Above the chair is a cross-stitched sampler that my Mama made for me in my favorite shades of blues.  The painting above the dresser is one I got several years ago at a starving artist sale (and paid about the same for the frame as for the original painting).  The old oil lamp was converted to electric and it was given to Mike by one of his ancestors.  I bought the silver frames, jewelry box, and blue and white jar at a thrift store and gave a whopping $14 for all of it!  Yes, we have a ceiling fan in the room instead of an elegant chandelier.  Don't judge.  You will be old and have hot flashes one day, too!
Across the Room

Sitting in the chair and looking across the room you will see a cheap little pine chest.  I don't think it is old.  I just think I liked it and it was inexpensive when I picked it up at an antique consignment store.  I used it as an entry table at my last house but this little space between the east, front-facing windows seemed to be the perfect spot for it.  It holds a thrift store vase and lamp an a cute little pitcher and bowl that was gifted to me by my son's mother-in-law.  Above it are a couple of scherenschnitte pieces that I made years ago.  I liked the pattern because it reminded me of my children.  The sheers filter out the morning sun and make the bedroom a bright space in the daytime.
Adjacent Corner

On the opposite side of the bay window seat is another oak piece.  I bought it from a friend years ago to hold clothes for one of the kids.  I liked it because it had a mirror mounted on top and provided a mirror and lots of storage.  Mike set up this room and I haven't moved any of the furniture since he placed it.  I love it just as it is!
Opposite Direction

Standing in front of the chest and looking at the opposite corner, you can see the entry to the bedroom and my plate display.  What started this was that there were a couple of nails hanging there when I moved in to join Mike here.  So, I hung a plate that had come from my paternal grandmother and one from my great-grandmother.  I wound up leaving them hanging there and just added a few to it.

The heirloom plate from my great-grandmother Noland is the gold-rimmed one on the bottom.  The china dinner plate on the right with the floral border is the one that was my grandmother's.  The rectangular dish is one of a set that I bought when I was in college because I liked the colors.  All the others are thrift store or Goodwill finds.

We have tried to create a restful haven for our bedroom and I feel like we are getting to a more finished state...for now.

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