
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vacation Day

Mike has taken this week of to relax, work on a few projects, relax, spend some time with me, and relax.  I am so glad.  It also gives me an excuse to join him!

Tuesday was a fun day-trip kind of day.  We slept late.  Then, he was out to the barn to do his 'farming' (feeding the calves) before we set off on a day-trip.

We headed north to see our youngest grandson.  He was napping when we arrived but was glad and surprised to see us when he awoke.  There is really nothing sweeter than an freshly awakened baby.

While Bryan was working, Jessica took us out and about.  We explored and purchased a few of the delicious local tomatoes from one of the Mennonite growers there near Guthrie, KY.

Next, we trekked down the road to the Country Pantry.  This place was full of goodies.  There was cheese, sausage, ground beef, jams, jellies, preserves, dried fruits and veggies, dried beans, pastas, spices, and so much more.  We were amazed at all the different foods available and the prices seemed ultra reasonable.  Harris enjoyed riding in the grocery cart and was just as amazed at all the items as we grownups were!

From there we dashed down the road a bit further to Schlabach's Bakery.  The aroma there is exactly what Heaven will probably smell like!  There were cookies, cakes, breads, sweet treats, pies, granolas, preserves, jams, and jellies and so much more!  I think I gained a few pounds just wandering round trying to make up my mind.

I learned about these stops in THIS POST where there are excellent photos (I was just too enamored to make any pictures!) and I highly recommend you visit them!

All-in-all the day was a fabulous vacation day-trip day and I got to spend time with a couple (or three, Bryan) of my favorite guys!
Two cuties in their summertime green!

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