
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

She's Here!

Bridgette called me at lunch time yesterday and said she was at her weekly checkup and was told that she would be admitted to the hospital for her C-section later in the day - a week earlier than her scheduled date!  I still haven't settled in from welcoming little Levi to our family!  

They told her that the hospital wasn't quite ready for her (no beds available, yet) and suggested that she check in later in the afternoon.


being the dedicated mother she is, she trekked to Target to get the older two girls a few pairs of shorts and jeans for back-to-school wear.

When she got to the hospital, there were two women in labor and her surgery was scheduled for immediately following their deliveries.  

At about 8:40 last night little Luci joined us.  

We assembled bit-by-bit and played a bit of a waiting game...
These three little monkeys helped make waiting fun.

I came right after work and others came on when they finished up their day's work as well.  

The children were pretty well behaved and patient...
ALL the children pictured here...even that one in the glasses!

Quiet little girls waiting to see Mama and Luci

Finally, we went in to see them at around ten o'clock...
Mama and Luci

Big Sister, Lillie, and Luci

Daddy and Big Sister, Lydia, and Luci

Sleepy little Luci

Bridgette says they are doing well this morning and that Luci is a calm, quiet little lady.

I cannot say that about my household at all!

Last night when we got home after 11 P.M., Lillie cranked up her iPod and we all four (Lillie, Lydia, Mike, and me) danced to One Direction (Lydia and Daddy Mike won the dance-off.), ate popcorn, and yick-yacked about Luci.

Finally, Lillie read us a chapter from one of her horse books.  Then, we donned PJs and I read the girls a favorite picture book and we went to bed long after midnight.  

This morning I pushed Mike out the door to work at around seven.  It is almost noon and we have already baked chocolate chip oatmeal muffins and ate brunch on the back porch.  Then, we toured the homestead in the mule (ATV/golf-cart thingy) driving to the mailbox and through the pastures as we fed and checked on Stephen's goats and Daddy Mike's calves. 

We did a bit of food prep work to get some meals prepared for later - spaghetti, pot roast and root vegetables, pinto beans and cornbread, Mexican casserole, lemon zucchini bread or Joann G's zucchini bread, and peach cobbler.

We folded some laundry, made our beds, and all the while had the iPod docked to speakers blaring out an eclectic mix of tunes ranging from One Direction to New Kids on the Block to Luke Bryan.

It has been a hoppin' happenin; place around here!

This afternoon we are headed out to Nan's pool for an hour before we clean up to go to the hospital to visit with the girls' parents and Luci.  Then, we will make a grocery store stop for some needed supplies - 'sun scream' and ice cream sandwiches.  Maybe we will drive through McD's for Happy Meals and we will deliver dinner to the little family up on the hill.  

Tomorrow's plans include a trip to the local library and some cooking to prepare meals for the little family up on the hill and for the bigger family an hour south (when they get home).

If you see a little red truck rocking in a parking space and a streak of GrandB and two little girls zipping around or if you hear squeals of laughter and see an army green ATV bouncing down a gravel hill, GrandB with wind ruffling her grey hair and grins on the faces of Lillie and Lydia, or a gyrating white-haired Daddy Mike and two giggling little girls, you might think that calm, quiet, little lady Luci has no idea what her life has in store for her...
or maybe she does.

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