
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More Snow!

Well, schools and all school activities have been called off for the rest of the week.  So, we have had a full week of Snow Days!

This morning we awoke to more snow.  When Mike went out to feed his stock there was a bit of snow flying.

I thought it was really pretty since I could just stand at the back door and snap photos.

Then, I went to the front door to snap a few...
...looking out to the left...

...and straight ahead off the porch... the right...

...and while I was snapping, business picked up!
Believe it or not, that car out in the distance on the highway is red!

Looking back to the left...

...and out the back door...
...Stephen and Bonnie's house and barn are barely visible - and only if you squint!

Compare this to the photo of the same area above in the first photo of this post!

The sun has come out but there is little to no dripping taking place.  The wind is brisk, too.  Whew!  Hope I don't have to leave this back doorway!

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