
Wednesday, February 18, 2015


We've wished for a snow day...

...and wished for a snow day...

...and WISHED for a snow day...

...and we finally got...

...not one...

...not two...

...but three snow days in a row!

Yep, just a few minutes ago school was called off for tomorrow.

We have treacherously icy roads and frigid low temperatures.

The storm hit on Monday and conditions were worse this morning than yesterday.

My daughter lives about an hour's drive south of us and they had a tree so weighted down with ice that limbs began breaking off trees and falling.  They even had one fall on their house!

My son lives about an hour's drive north of us and they had a full seven inches of snow!

There is some dripping going on as I key in this post but the ground remains white even though the sun is shining bright.
 Here's how the front steps looked yesterday.
Here is how they looked this morning.

Here was the birdhouse on the back porch yesterday.

Here is the birdhouse during the 'heat of the day' today.

Back porch yesterday...

Back porch today...

Dinner bell yesterday...

Dinner bell today...

 I'm glad for a good snow day...or two...or three.  And I think it is a good thing I am.  The forecast for tonight, tomorrow, and the next day is for more snow and freezing temperatures.

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