
Sunday, March 20, 2016


One of the blessings of living near to family is that we are able to share time together inter-generationally.  (I don't know if that really is a term but to me it means several generations enjoying the company of one another.)

This week Bridgette and her crew spent a little time at my parents contributing to the support that Mom and Daddy are needing right now.  As has become customary, the children came in to check on Papaw and spend a few moments before dashing outside into the warm sunshine to run and play.

Lydia shared that she has lost another tooth - I think this was number eight for her.
Daddy asked her how old she is and she let him know she is six but coming up on seven.  She gave hugs all around and dashed back outside to the sunshine and unseasonably warm temperatures.

Lillie shared a bit about her recently completed Australia report project and how her pony is faring and just generally caught us up on life as a nine-year-old.  Luci...well Luci didn't really have much time to stop and chat.  She had too many miles to get in for her little legs to stretch and her discovering to get accomplished.

As Daddy's friend Carey said last week, "Sometimes things get just a little bit tangled up but most of what he says is exactly true."

So, Daddy was trying to sort out how old Luci is right now.  Lillie and Lydia told him that she wasn't quite two, yet, and her birthday was August.  So, he counted up and figured out her exact age.  We asked him how old he is.  He first said he was at least eighteen and the girls giggled.  Then, he told us, "I'm old enough to eat cornbread without getting choked."  They thought this was the perfect answer and laughed with great appreciation!
Sometimes even the tangled web of thought is perfect and just hits the mark for all of us.

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