
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Breaking Into Fall

Maybe today is finally it. 

The day fall arrives. 

September has come and gone.  We are half-way through October.  Footballs have been flying through the air.  Yet, it has still been more like summer than fall.  What's up with that?

Oh, I've enjoyed the warm, sunny days.  I've enjoyed the time outside wearing only short-sleeves.  I've sneaked a couple of pumpkins in here and there. 

But where is that subtle nudge of fall?  Where is the little breeze that requires a sweatshirt?  When will Mike be chopping up leaves instead of mowing grass? 

Maybe today.  The breeze is fluttering the dried leaves from the trees and tickling the wind chimes on the back porch into song. 

I'm wrapping up my fall break from school and longing for a couple of days more of freedom from the routine.  Maybe fall is finally here.

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