
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Farm Couple

Today Mike and I really were a farm couple.  Mike has been working in hay and I have been making sweet pickles.

As soon as he got home from selling vegetables at the vegetable stand, Mike got on the tractor and started moving hay out of the front field.

As soon as I got home from work, I put together a pan of lasagna.  I had browned the ground beef yesterday.  So, all I had to do is mix the cheeses, add the sauce to the meat, and layer up the ingredients.  Then, I started working on finishing up the pickles I'd started on the weekend.

Bryan and Jessica have some miracle cucumber vines that are still prolifically producing and have all summer long.  They gave me a bag full on Saturday when we were celebrating Harris.  So, Sunday I sliced them up and put them in the brine.  This time I was far more prepared than I was that first time when I made sweet pickles.   I used a cloth sausage bag to hold my spices.  I just cut it in half, tied up one end and divided the spices, and tied up the other ends.  It worked well.  I got five pints and 4 half-pints! 

So, that is two batches of sweet pickles for this summer!  Yum!

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