
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Beautiful Snowy Sight

Our daughter-in-law, Bonnie sent this photo of one of their Angus heifers that she snapped last week.  Since I got to stay inside and didn't have to venture out to be the caretaker of livestock for once, I thought this was a beautiful sight.  Thanks for sharing, Bonnie!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Practically Perfect In Every Way - More Snow Day Activities

Just in case you don't know my grandchildren, let me tell you that they are practically perfect in every way.  After all, I'm their grandmother and I cannot imagine any grandmother thinking differently about her grands.

This week we learned that one of the grandsons has learned how fun it is to climb stairs.  He is almost two-years-old and seems to be training for quickness at an Olympic rate.  We understand he's gotten quite adept at it and can get up the stairs lickety-split before his parents even realize it.  Isn't that practically perfect? 

I thought you would see it my way.

We also had a Hangout with some of the granddaughters and saw that they calmly sit and watch a classic video and share snacks and play cooperatively with the dollhouse.  Isn't that practically perfect?

I thought you would see it my way.

For some reason, our grandsons - and at times even the granddaughters - have all been described using one word at some point or another and I think it is meant as a compliment of their energy, quick thinking abilities, good health, and vigor.  I know that the official dictionaries use synonyms such as boisterous or rowdy or wild or unruly but I'm still choosing to see the descriptor used as a compliment and reference to their positive character, their enthusiasm for life and learning, their curiosity, their exuberance.  The descriptor Mike and I have heard their parents use is:


See?  Don't you think that is a good thing?  Isn't that practically perfect?

I thought you would see it my way.

These snow days have been hard on our grandchildren's parents.  They aren't accustomed to staying in one place for very long.  After all, they cart their school-aged children off to the schoolhouse or trek to the store with their toddlers or work outside on their rural homesteads.  They aren't accustomed to having their exuberant children cooped up inside for so long.  After all, those children usually burn energy, running, and playing in a gym at school or practicing basketball with their team or shooting hoops, and riding bicycles, and running through the grass.  They tag along after their parents who run errands and grocery shop and load feed sacks for customers and landscape and build birdhouses and care for livestock and hunt big game and enjoy the great outdoors.  Yet, when these snow days have limited all that activity and left the grandchildren with four walls to contain them.  Well, let's just say it has been hard on their parents.  After all, it isn't a problem with the grandchildren, it is a problem with their parents.  The grandchildren are practically perfect.  Right?

I thought you would see it my way.

We got some photos the other day from part of the grandchildren's parents letting us know that at least one of the grandsons had forced his mother into creating activities for him to enjoy.  She saw it as a way of occupying his time and keeping him focused and a little less - rambunctious.
Look at that concentration.  Look at the finesse.  Look at all the intellect popping out.  I hate that I'm not savvy enough to share this the way it was sent to me in one of those short moving picture sort of thingies on my iPhone.  The seriousness of his work really shone through on it.  Isn't that practically perfect?

I thought you would see it my way.
(Mom also spent a bit of time creating a matching game for our grandson.  Didn't she do a good job?  Can you guess that she has a master's degree in elementary education?) 
The real genius-ness of the matching game was the result, though.  Look at that attention to detail.  Look at the fine motor skills used to accurately line up each little piece.  Look at the enthusiasm used for learning.  Isn't that practically perfect?

I thought you would see it my way.
Luckily, baby sister got in on the act.  After all, I'm sure she is a bit rambunctious at times, too.  Right?  I hate you can't see the moving picture thingy sent via iPhone, she was kicking and cheering her brother on as he crafted an artwork masterpiece.  Isn't that  practically perfect in every way?

I thought you would see it my way.
Of course, the finished product says it all.  Look at the Picasso-like coloring.  Look at that proud smile.  Isn't that practically perfect?

I thought you would see it my way.

I don't know why these practically perfect grandchildren's parents think rambunctious has a negative connotation.  I don't know why they have problems with the energy and exuberance of our grandchildren.  After all, I think they are practically perfect in every way!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Saying Goodbye Too Soon

Our hometown experienced a tragic loss this week.  We lost a young man who had grown up alongside our sons.  Trust me when I say that flu and pneumonia are still serious infections and can be devastating.  Our heart is broken and there truly is a hole left in the fabric of our lives.

Craig Childress was certainly a one-of-a-kind sort of fellow.  I feel extraordinarily honored to have known him and had him touch my life.  Craig came into the life of my family when he was five years old and started to play coach-pitch baseball.  He was on my son, Bryan's team.  They were all such little fellows and had so much to learn.  As it turned out, they all learned baseball together over the years.  Every single year that Bryan played baseball, he and Craig were on the same team.  Most years, Craig's dad, Bo, served as their coach.

One time the boys ran into the dugout from playing defense and Bo began lining up the fellows to get ready to bat.  He asked in his quiet tone a couple of times before he shouted out, "Who's number one?"  The boys were all laughing and messing round but all of them stopped when Bo's voice was so loud.  They all looked at one another and, suddenly, Craig shouted, "We are!"  Guess whose jersey had the number one on the back.  Yep.  Craig's!  Bo rolled his eyes, handed Craig his helmet, sent him out to bat, and the game continued.  That is the type of humor Craig carried with him wherever he went.

There are loads of baseball stories and Craig figures into most of them.  A couple of summers he spent lots of time at our house hanging out with Bryan on days between games.  The boys would just climb into the back seat after the game and I'd throw the extra uniform in the washer when we got home.  They would pile up on the sleeper sofa in the den.  He would pull on some shorts and a t-shirt of Bryan's and Craig would simply follow my children out to the barn the next morning.  We hardly knew he was around because he just fit right in and never minded chores alongside my children.  On the hottest of days they would watch movies during the heat of the day to save their energy for the evening games.  One of the favorites during a summer was "Sandlot."  I wish I had a quarter for every time our VCR played that movie or a nickel for every time one of the guys uttered a quote from the movie.  I'd be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams!  The boys were brothers through baseball.

Throughout his childhood and even after reaching adulthood, Craig was one of the most polite and considerate young men I have ever known.  He always took time to stop and chat and share a memory whenever I bumped into him out and about.  It never mattered where we were, nor what he was doing, he always would pause, give me a hug, and chat.  My father always mentioned when he had seen Craig around town somewhere or at the restaurant where Craig was working.  Daddy was always heartwarmed that Craig would hug him and take time to chat as well.  Daddy also appreciated the courtesy Craig showed by saying yes-sir and no-sir to him as a means of respect and honor for an elder.  He was a young man who respected and earned the respect of others.

As I blink back the tears and see the many memories and times shared with this honorable young man flickering across the screen of my mind, I cannot imagine the void that is left in the world by his passing.  Those of us who had him added to our lives are fortunate and what a sorrow it is that we will no longer be faced with his smile, quick humor, and easy-going manners.

I hope my Daddy was at the gates of heaven to hand Craig a piece of bubble gum when he arrived.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

More Snow Days!

It is always good to watch the wonders of the world through the eyes of a child.  We are fortunate and blessed to get to see things through the eyes of our grandchildren. 

As an educator, I am much like a child and love a snow day!  We got a pretty good snow over the weekend but that didn't give us the opportunity to stay home from school.  So, when we got a couple of inches on Tuesday, I was almost as excited as a child. 

It was good to see photos and do FaceTime and Google Hangouts with the grands to learn of their outdoor fun.
First, we got photos of Levi and Easton.  Their mother bundled them up and they rode on an inflated donut while she  pulled them in the powdery snow.  She said they tried to have a snowball fight but the snow was just powdery and wouldn't pack well to allow for that.
Of course, it was also fun to pull the donut and just tromp around in the snow while it was falling all around.
Easton thought he needed to tromp around and pull the donut as well!
Later in the day we got a video showing where their father had come home from the store and tied the donut to the ATV to give them a ride. 
This one was shouting, "Faster!  Go faster!"

Lillie and Lydia looked like they had a big time in the snow if the amount of snow sticking to them is any indication.  They had some old pool floats that they slid around on a bit.  Mostly, it looks like they just did lots of packing of snow on themselves.
It looks like Luci's anticipation paid off and she did get to make a snow angel.  I wonder how many layers she has on?  She looks like she thought it was quite fun, though!

We also got photos of Harris and Linley in one of our recent snowfalls.  Harris was so excited about it and really wanted to build a snowman.  Sadly, both of the snows we have gotten are really a bit too powdery and I don't think a snowman resulted.  He did get to do some sliding and playing round in it, though.
He was pretty excited that his baby sister, Linley, was getting to see her first snow as well.
He was probably more excited than she was.  She reportedly spent most of her time squinting at it because it was so bright outside that she could hardly see.  She did look cute in all her snow gear, though, didn't she!
Of course, one of the best parts of playing in the snow is sipping on hot chocolate and snacking on a little cake when one returns inside!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Snow Days!

Welcome to the sunny south!  We woke up Tuesday morning to snow falling steadily down.  It was beautiful as Mike and I sat inside here and watched it falling.  Of course, we didn't have to get out into it and battle it - well, I didn't.  Mike got out to go feed the animals and putter round but I sat right here and watched the snow fall and sipped coffee and caught up on my favorite blog-reading activities.

We talked to the children about the grandchildren.  Lillie sent this photo of Lydia and I think I might not have felt as much excitement as her while I sat in front of the French doors and watched but I was pretty mesmerized.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Wise Words

Today is a holiday to honor a brave and wise man.  He stood up for what he believed was right and encouraged others to do so as well.  As a statesman, he brought about positive change with his words.  He didn't point a finger or call names, he just shared a vision for what is right and what is wrong.  There are so many quotes from this man which could be used today to honor his accomplishments and the foundation he built, the shoulders on which others stand to continue that mission.  Here are the ones I'm choosing today:

Monday, January 8, 2018


Coaching is a part of my job and, to be honest, has been for the entire time I've been in the education business.  Basically, what all teachers need to be doing is coaching students to learn.  Well, recently, another family member entered the world of coaching.

Our granddaughter, Lydia, informed her mother that she would play basketball in the recreation league again this year but only if her Mom served as her coach.  So, of course, Bridgette agreed.

We have been hearing tales of her experiences and how the young girls - second and third graders - are learning and growing as athletes.  Now, for those of you who don't know our daughter, Bridgette, you may not realize that she takes things seriously.  She is competitive and she doesn't mess around.  When she does something she intends to do it right.  By taking on a responsibility, she is All-In. 

So, the tales we have been having in regard to her coaching these children who are between the ages of six and nine, we have chuckled a few times.  You see, Bridgette also played recreation league basketball when she was about the age of her daughters.  I want to think she started at about sixth grade.  There were not enough coaches for the number of girls who signed up to play in the community league.  So, the mother-in-charge of coordinating the league asked a co-worker, an accountant who was a newlywed with no children of his own to coach a team.  There was only one girl who had played on a recreation team before.  The rest of the girls were newbies like Bridgette.  So, the team was probably a group of misfits and unknowns - a basketball team of Bad News Bears.  Coach Dan did a great job of teaching the girls plays, working on developing skills, and, really, just teaching them a bit about the game of basketball.  They didn't win a single game during the season.  Yet, they played and had a big time and they learned and grew as athletes and young women.  When the county tournament came along, this team of misfits and unknowns won game after game and wound up in the finals.  Sadly, they lost their last game, primarily because two of the girls fouled out - Bridgette was one of them.  Along the way, Coach Dan was amazingly patient with them and he and his wife became lifelong family friends.  We still chuckle at times over things that happened in practice and those games. 

Advance the clock about twenty-five years and Bridgette has found herself in the shoes of her former coach.  Her team was assembled by a blind draft.  Most of the girls have never played on a team before and those who have are not little girls who have played with older brothers or sisters all their lives and know the game - far from it!  So, Bridgette has found herself saying many of the things we chuckled about over the years - things like, "Dribble.  The.  Ball!"

From the first practice, these little girls have learned drills to develop their dribbling, passing, and shooting skills.  Bridgette claims she even told another coach, "We aren't here to just play around.  We are going to learn the game of basketball!"  (He spent his first practice allowing the girls to do some loose shooting and play around a bit in order to get to know one another.) 

If the little girls have had half as much fun as Bridgette, the venture has been a success!  Bridgette seems so pleased with their progress and when we went to their first game Saturday morning, it was obvious that they had learned some plays and had practiced rebounding.  Oh, there is still lots to be learned by these little athletes as was evidenced by their losing score but on another day, the numbers could easily have been reversed, I think.

Throughout the game, Coach Bridgette is clapping, cheering, encouraging, reminding, and, well, coaching.  Even when one little girl fouled out before the end of the game, she was complimenting her for going after the ball and for being aggressive. 

During a break between quarters, she asked the girls, "Who wants to score some points?"  Hands went up all down the row of hydrating little girls.  So, Coach Bridgette said, "Well, let's get out there and get some rebounds, go down the floor, and shoot!"

Mike and I have teased Bridgette and told her that she is trying to be the next Pat Head Summit!  You know, her intensity is almost measurable and her eagerness to motivate and prepare the little girls is quite admirable.  Even at the end of the game when she and her family were on the road to another gym for Lillie to play her game, Bridgette confessed to us that she was already thinking of what they would do at the next practice and how she needs to guide them differently and plan for the next game.  She thinks she needs to add some options and knows that there are a few things that need to be tweaked.

I think Pat would be proud.  I'm pretty certain Coach Dan would be.  And, I know that Mike and I certainly are! 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sporting Events Can Be Entertainment

Mike and I are not really armchair quarterbacks.  We really could be considered more coaching from the couch.  We enjoy college football immensely.  We also like watching college basketball, baseball, softball, and even little league baseball.

Of course, we really enjoy watching the grandchildren playing sports.  At this stage, we don't anticipate that we will be coaching their college games from the couch but, I guess, one can never tell.  After all, the eldest is only eleven years old. 

For the past couple of years Lillie and Lydia have played softball and basketball.  They are pretty fun to watch and the stress level is really low because they and their teammates are truly at the learning level.  It is always interesting to think back to the first game of the season and compare it to the end of the season games.  Their progress is always quite obvious.

(Faces of other children have been blurred because I didn't get permission to post.)

Yesterday was the first game of the season for basketball.  It was also the first basketball game Mike had attended and watched court-side in years!  I don't think I have ever seen him laugh so much in such a short span of time.  He would get a chuckle out of their reaction and actions. 

(Faces of other children have been blurred because I didn't get permission to post.)

Of course, he and Luci (and when she wasn't playing, Lydia) were interested patrons at the concession stands.  After all, there is no better hot dog or popcorn than what is handed across the counter of a concession stand! 

We spent most of our day yesterday after driving a little longer than an hour and a half to see Lydia's game, coming back a bit closer to home to watch Lillie's game, and then driving a bit over an hour home. 

Even as we were watching TV last night, Mike and I would recall different things the girls said or did during the ballgames or concession stand visits and chuckle.  From when Luci ate almost an entire bag of popcorn before sharing one little piece with Mike to how Lydia seems to enjoy sitting on the sideline, sipping her water, and watching the game about as much as she does playing!

I got so involved watching the game - and, Mike informed me last night, sideline coaching - that I didn't get many photos.  Maybe next game!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Writing A Letter To Me

Just like last year's resolution, I'm not making any resolutions this year.  I simply set goals last year and that worked out some better - at least mentally it did!  I had no guilt as I went through my days and I simply had programmed a few reminders to pop up in my calendar as to what goals I needed to keep in mind.  Some of them were met and some were not but I was mindful and realistic about it all nonetheless.

I recently saw this blog post about writing a letter to self and I really like that concept.  Like I mentioned in last year's blog post, years ago I set a goal and didn't have it dangling in front of myself all the time to keep the guilt trip going and I actually achieved that goal. 

When I was in the classroom, I would assign my students to write a letter to themselves at the beginning of the school year and give it back to them a little bit after mid-term.  Then, have them write a new letter to themselves that was given back at the end of the school year.  It was a good exercise for eighth graders who were preparing to enter high school, I think.  So, I guess that is why I like the concept of writing a letter to self offered up in the Anderson + Grant post.

I love the concept that a new year is a blank slate and is somewhat magical allowing us to put the past in the background and begin fresh.  It does make it seem as if anything is possible.  I agree that there is something to reflecting back over 365 days and realizing amazement.

Last year I remember thinking that I was entering the first year of my life that I would be navigating without my father.  While Daddy had not been an earthly part of life since earlier in the year, the thought of navigating a whole, brand new year without his presence was certainly a new one.  Looking back on that thought, I am amazed to realize that although his earthly presence isn't with me, his memories, his guidance, his wisdom, and his influence will always be with me because I carry it around inside of me.  So many of his ways, his sayings, his values, and his expressions bubble up in my life daily that I've realized he does indeed live on inside of me.  Oh, there are times when I miss him terribly and wish I could pick up the phone to share something with him and I really think that will never go away. 

Recently, that very thought bubbled up in me when my daughter was sharing her experience as a basketball coach for one of her daughter's team.  The thought that just kept prickling at me was that I wish Daddy were here to witness this and laugh about it.  I could see him in my mind's eye with a Pepsi bottle about half full in his hand and a grin on his face taking it all in.  The memory served to remind me that I need to catalog and treasure these moments so that I can share them back later because that is certainly what he would have done.

Last year I also remember that there were many areas of my personal life in which I was struggling.  Some of them were given focused attention and hard work.  Most of those situations have grown, morphed, and changed and most of them for the better. 

Some of the things that were a nagging worry are still nagging a bit but some of them are also only a vague memory.  As a parent, I don't think we ever stop worrying and hoping for the best for our children.  When I stand back and observe them in their stage of life, I certainly recall that there were struggles and stress and I always wished there was a manual to guide me along.  I'm sure they feel the same way at times.  I'm sure they often feel like they are groping in the dark and hoping for the best.  My hope is that they will see me as a resource - not always as the model, because there were loads of mistakes made when I was in their stage, but sometimes as the how-to and sometimes as the not-as-I-did kind of resource. 

So, like Jamie suggests, I am working on that letter to me.  Again, I may add a link to it somewhere along the way in my calendar so that I can revisit it, update it, reflect, and recenter.  As a believer in the power of writing, I am also going to encourage those of you who read this and my family to take a little time to write out a letter - actually commit your thoughts to the page (either digitally like I am or physically with a pen and paper).  There is something strong about committing words to a page that motivates people and makes what is there more real.  Like I used to tell my students, sometimes we don't really know what we think till we see what we write. 

Success certainly isn't all about checking something off a list.  Success is more of a big picture view looking at the horizon of the journey and knowing that eventually that point on the horizon is going to be right in front of you and another point will be staked far away on the horizon.  Success is knowing that some days will be like THAT and there will certainly be a new one that is different to follow it - a day when we get to begin all over again and go forward.

I'm encouraging you to strive toward your vision by starting with writing that vision down today.  Then, in 365 days look back and see that pinpoint of where you started and realize the great world that has rolled out between it and where you will be at that place which was far away on the horizon the previous year.  I think we are going to see a world of things that will amaze us.  Best wishes for turning the page into a new year!

Monday, January 1, 2018


Wishing you the best of health and happiness for the coming year!