If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


When I was on fall break, I gave Jessica a call one day and she said Harris was also on fall break.  She was trying to come up with ideas to keep him occupied.  She created a game with colored stickers, numbers, and little cars.  It took Harris only a few minutes to complete the sorting game.  She suggested that he help her scramble them up and complete the sorting game again.  Nope.  Not happening.  That was old news.

Another day, she sent me this photo and said they were trying to do some things that were calm and quiet so Linley could rest undisturbed.  She also mentioned that she may run out of ideas before the end of the week.

I gave them a call when I was on my way home from work that afternoon and complimented his craftiness.  I learned that Harris had been practicing with scissors and glue. 

A couple of days later, I got another photo and message.  This time from Bridgette.  Lillie, Lydia, and Luci had also been crafting.

Another day when I was talking to her on the phone, I reminded Jessica of the age-old craft of gathering leaves and using a crayon to create a rubbing on a simple white piece of paper.  Then, Harris could use the scissors again.  She said she had forgotten about that and right about that time, Harris returned to be within earshot.  He said, "Did Grand B have an idea for an activity?"

We both burst out laughing.  What does he know about an 'activity' and such vocabulary?

Hope all your Jack-O'Lanterns are smiling.  Happy Halloween!

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