
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Not a good patient

Friday morning I realized that my home decor has looked like this for much of the summer.
In the den the pillows are stacked on the corners and there is a bed pillow and snuggle quilt strewn across the seat - usually over me!
In the bedroom, a quilt is piled on the ottoman at the ready for when I wallow or sleep in the chair.

I had sinus surgery in mid-June and have been recovering..

I am not a very good patient.

I have no patience when I am the  patient.

I have had a very good nurse - Mike.  He is more patient with me than I deserve.

I really got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I thought I would snap back far faster than I have.

The last couple of days are the first that I have felt semi-normal.

Maybe my patience will improve soon!

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