
Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Like lots of other folks, we've had a busy spring!

The oldest grandson kicked off spring in early April playing baseball.  I've trekked over to watch them play a couple of times and it is pure entertainment!  There was a big opening day jamboree with a kick-off ceremony introducing the teams.
We were excited to see this cute little Cubs T-Ball team - especially that little slugger on the far left in front of the girl with the red hairbow.  To us he was the All-Star Player!
The head coach really did a good job of teaching the little ones the fundamentals of the game - well as much as you can teach a group of four-year-olds! 
When playing defense, before every batter, the little fellows would be sent to a position with the instruction to get, "baseball ready!"  
Number six had played some back-yard ball with his dad and his cousins and he knew that when he heard those two words, he needed to get that glove down and watch for the ball.
Baseball ready!

The batter on the other team would hit the ball and off they would go after it with all the energy pent up in those moments of baseball readiness.
On contact they all headed for the ball.  And, most of the time, I do mean ALL of them ran for the ball!  They would run from all over the field toward the ball and even wrestle with one another to get the ball.  
After all of the opposing players batted, it was time to head to the dugout to play offense!
Boy!  Let me tell you, that dugout is loads of fun as well.  This fellow seemed to like to stand on the bench and goof around with all his buddies.
Look at that face!  Can't you tell that dugout time is pure joy?
I don't know if it was all the back-yard ball, the fact that he had a huge cheering section, or if he truly is a slugger, but our favorite usually served as the clean-up batter.  Nope.  That doesn't mean he was fourth batter in the line-up.  That means he was the last batter on the team.  
You see, if anybody was left on base, the last batter in the lineup had the task of hitting a long ball and running like mad.  The last batter simply hit the ball and tore out running and kept running till he was tagged out or crossed home plate.
Sometimes it might seem like a close call but with fast running legs and a bit of cunning, the runner might zig and zag and wiggle by the defensive player with his charm and make it all the way to home plate!
Of course the cheering section is important and plays a vital role in the game.
Everybody has an important part toward playing the game.  Cheerleaders are just as much a part of the action as players on the field and this little one really did her part cheering for big brother.
After the game, the slugger had to pose with the prettiest girl at the game.
Of course, a little public relations with some of the other fans is always a good idea as well.
At the end of the day, it is off to the team bus we go with all our gear!  We headed home in the sunset in order to play a little back-yard ball each afternoon to prepare for the next week's game.  Ah!  Springtime!

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