
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Sunday

This Easter is different. 

I wonder how many times that statement has been uttered today and during the past few days.  It is different.  We still celebrate the intention of the holiday - Jesus.  However, we celebrate and honor it so differently. 

At our house it has been quiet with the exception of the falling rain and thunder.  No excitement and anticipation over gathering lots of eggs from the grass or flowers or numerous other places they might be hidden.  No eggs to hide or hunt.  No little feet running and squealing.  No little voices giggling.  No teens or tweens rolling their eyes when we ask them to pose for a photo.  No photos. No grandchildren or children here today.

It has been quiet here today.

We are all staying home.

While, we miss seeing the grands and our children and we miss sharing a feast and fun time with them.  We know that such is the way it is today.  Quiet. Staying home.

You see, today, we are not only celebrating and honoring the sacrifice made for us, we are also honoring the sacrifice asked of us to stay home in hopes of preventing the spread of this dreaded virus.  We are celebrating the health of our family.  We are honoring those who are sacrificing for us so that we might be healthy and stay healthy. 

Mike and I sent treats to the grandchildren and they have shared their thanks and how they have enjoyed them this week.  It is not quite the same as sitting on the porch watching them dash round the front yard as they gather up the colorful treats.  Yet, it is better in some ways because we know that they are safe and healthy in their homes with their parents. 

It has been quiet here today but it has also been a day of rejoicing and celebration for all the blessings we enjoy as a result of the ultimate sacrifice as well as the current sacrifices.

We hope your Easter has been one of celebration and honor and that you and your family are healthy and safe staying home.

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