
Saturday, April 11, 2020


Shortly after Harris started going to Preschool a couple of days per week - well after the crying stopped, he and I had a conversation about what school was like.  He explained to me that they have story time and play time and lunch time and did some activities.

I asked a bit more about these activities and was informed that it is when you make stuff and sit and do stuff and paint stuff. School activities. 

Soon preschool took a break and Harris was home again with his mom.  One day when I talked to him on the phone, he let me know that he and his mother had done an activity the day before.  You see, he had a newborn sister and I think mother needed a bit of quiet, still time out of the little fellow. 

I asked Harris about it and he informed me that he did a color sorting activity.  Then, when I talked to his mother, she let me know that she might run out of fresh ideas because he didn't like to repeat the same activity.  So, I made a suggestion and Harris wanted to know if I had some activities. 

Well, tradition continues and now that we are staying at home, like I shared yesterday, Harris is doing a little school work and Linley now is doing some activities, since she is at home from preschool as well.

I learned that one of her favorite activities is a color sorting one.  Again, tradition continues.  Only, this time, the color sorting activity doesn't involve little cars and colored stickers.  This time Linley is sorting colored cereal pieces.
Look at that little genius!  I told her mother that my grandchildren were destined to be true geniuses!  After I got the photo above, I got another message from her mother:
And then there were a couple of photos.
And a message from her mother, "true talent!"
I think she inherited that talent from me!

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