
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Luci's Days - A Party!

When Luci was here for her Days recently, she was so excited because she was going to get to attend Abby Lee's birthday party.  She has always loved fun times and playing with Stephen and Bonnie's boys who are close to her in age.  So, to get to go to a party that was hosted at their house was a special treat.

They played with a plethora of toys and all three lined up like little birds on a wire to eat dinner - more about that in another post on another day.  Surprisingly, Luci ate a good dinner and really liked the vegetables more than the usual kid food - hot dogs.  She really loved the pretty, pink, strawberry birthday cake and talked about how it was pretty and tasted, "really good!"

At one point they went outside and played with water balloons and Luci was thrilled that she hit her targets most of the time - "even Mrs. Bonnie!"

When we were on the way back down the hill toward home, Luci let Mike and I know, "That was a really fun birthday party!  I had a great time!  And I think Abby Lee is starting to like me!"

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