
Friday, March 19, 2021

Spring Break!

 This week away from my desk and away from my computer have been so nice!

Of course, I started off with  an optimistic week by getting to sleep late and then accompany my sweet thing to get his first COVID vaccination. (I'm showing the sticker from my vaccination last month, since Mike didn't get one!) It just feels like a sigh of relief that some level of protection is near and we can venture out doing different things soon. The only time I have felt such a protective mode was when my children were small and I tended to hover a lot. They were within arm's reach when we went food or clothing shopping. I sat in the car while they practiced various activities so that if they were hurt, I could rush them to get medical attention. This has felt sort of like that only I am a bit wiser about risks and more careful about the risks I take.

While watching the SEC tournament one evening, I stuffed about 100 Easter eggs in preparation for the family egg hunt. About half-way through I was asking myself why I thought those plastic eggs were a good idea! Each has candy inside and I think all of the grands will enjoy them. I also got some that were stuffed with fun things like tiny plastic puppies and farm animals and some with dinosaurs. We have some gold eggs we will add a bit of money to and that always makes for excitement.

One day this week we had a visit from one set of the grands. I had ordered some playground balls for them to play with on Easter.  So, we had to make a quick trip to the local hardware store and pick up a hand pump and needle to blow them up and a quick kick ball game ensued. It even brought out another part of our grands as they saw the front yard game and decided to walk down and join in. I think a quick game of hide-and-seek followed the kick ball game and lots of running and giggling took place. 
One little snaggle-puss brought me a fist full of daffodils while she was here. So, we had to find a vase and add a little bit of spring to the dining table. That sort of prompted me to let a little more spring pop in here and there. 
I added some faux florals with a springy look to coordinate with the daffodils in the kitchen. I've had the Forsythia for years and recently gave these pink peonies a whirl to see if they might brighten things up when my grocery store flowers had faded.  I think I kind of like them! I will probably add my bunnies to the springing up the house later this afternoon.

I added some green to the den to say hello spring. I had made the floral pillow covers last year at about this time and as I was searching for those I stumbled across these striped linen covers I'd created a few years back. So, the den began some wearing of the green on Saint Patrick's Day and it truly looks like spring, I think. 

I took the Forsythia theme a bit further and ordered a wreath and a garland to add some cheer to the cute little bunny face Bridgette gave me a couple of years ago.  I just love how happy he makes our front door and porch! I think that after Easter I can leave the wreath and garland on the door for a bit to just herald spring!

I started a craft project that I will share when I get it finished. I painted some sweet little hearts for the grands for Valentine's Day and decided I'd do something similar for Easter. It is fun and sort of relaxing even if it isn't fancy. I've enjoyed doing it and I hope they feel like it is a sweet hug when they get them.

I've got a couple more days to enjoy some time off from work. So, I'm going to get away from this computer and see what other spring break nonsense I can stir up!

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