If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Making Memories

Isn't it the funniest things that make memories?

I remember the first time I took Lillie to see a play.  We entered the theatre and her eyes opened wide and her mouth formed that O-shape.  

The excitement wasn't because of the fabulous stage set.

It wasn't because of the elaborate theatre decor.

Her first statement was, "Look at all these seats!"

She had a hard time selecting where she wanted to sit because there were just too many choices.

There were other memories made that day but that is always one that comes to mind each time I walk into a theatre or auditorium now.

We made a memory last weekend when we went to a local craft fair.  It wasn't because of the huge crowd.  It wasn't because of the plethora of booths and their offerings.  It wasn't because of the fabulous snacks.

The memory was made as a result of the school parking lot being partially blocked off due to some sort of construction.  We wound up having to park around the block at an office building parking lot and riding the shuttle across to the high school.  

Yes, that simple act is what the big memory was all about.  We quickly found a parking space and walked to the end of the row of spaces to board the shuttle.  The fabulous thing about the shuttle is...

we rode a school bus!

Two little girls ride to school each day with their mother, since she works at their school.  So, riding a bus was an exciting opportunity last weekend.
Even though the shot is a bit blurry, you certainly can see the excitement on Lydia's face as she sits on her seat in the middle of the bus.

Lillie was wearing a big ole' smile, too.  Their excitement and happy faces certainly made their mother and I have a different attitude about having to park and wait for a shuttle bus and then squeeze down the crowded aisle and sit on a hard bus seat.

Truly, it is the little things in life that make it wonderful isn't it?

Hope you are making memories of your own this week!

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