If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day looks a lot different to most of us this year.  Has there been a day since early March that we haven't thought that?  The holiday means something really different to me this year, however.  As I'm nearing retirement age, I'm looking at lots of things differently I find.  

Today, I was thankful to have the opportunity to rest up and sleep a little bit later.  Oh, yes, I still woke up between four and five o'clock this morning.  But today, I had the opportunity to go to the bathroom and then climb back between the sheets.  I got to relax a bit.  I did a little bit of reading and dozing.  Then, when I did decide to face the day, I looked out the window and saw that our flag had been delivered.  

The local high school will place a flag at the end of the driveway on patriotic holidays when you contribute to their fundraising efforts.  It is one of those things Mike and I really enjoy supporting.  I guess it helps out some local high school students and we love having the flag to proclaim our thankfulness for being fortunate enough to live in America and celebrate the freedoms provided by that privilege.  

Later, as I sat slurping my coffee and reading the morning newsfeeds I always check on while the TV local morning news and Mike's soft snoring in the recliner beside me were providing background noise a commercial came on that caught my attention.  It was encouraging the support of small businesses in the community.  What a powerful message that is always but especially right now and most especially today.

I know that Bridgette told me that one of my son-in-laws will be working today because last week's rain had put him behind on grooming the lawns of some of his customers.  I know that Laura and her family are probably doing the same.  I also know that Stephen left out right at about the time I was climbing out of bed this morning to go open up and prepare their store for the business of the day.  I know that my son has spent part of this weekend helping his in-laws with chores because they are still in recovery-mode from having COVID-19 virus.  So, Labor Day is truly that for our family - just like it was when Mike and I were kids growing up on a dairy farm - another day of work.  

Oh, they might have a cook-out for dinner.  They might spend a little time splashing in the kiddie pool in the back yard later this afternoon.  They might spend a little time outside playing baseball or shooting hoops.  However, there won't be gatherings with friends and extended family.  There won't be fireworks and parade-watching.  Nevertheless, there will be thankfulness that they all do still have the opportunity to contribute to our nation's economy and the highest standard of living and greatest production in the world.  As a family, we will all be paying tribute to the backbone of our country to the ones responsible for our nation's strength, freedom, and privileges - the American worker.  

Self-Portrait created using Google Drawings

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