If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Weeding Out the Extras

I'm just wondering if it is just us or does everybody have closets that get to be an overcrowded, jumbled mess? 

One day last week I got pretty frustrated at having to fold and re-fold clothes. We have a large, walk-in closet with hanging space and shelving. On the shelves is where I stack folded T-shirts, sweaters, and some of Mike's shorts. I noticed that while my shirts tend to stay folded and sort of stay in stacks, those stacks and folds of mine don't seem to stay very tidy and Mike's stacks and folds had wound up looking like a scrambled mess. 

I decided that a clean-out was needed. I pulled all the T-shirts off my shelf and sorted things out. If I hadn't worn it in months, it went into a garbage bag to be donated. I would up with a couple of garbage bags full. I decided that while I was at it, I was going to clean out the two drawers of the dresser in our bedroom while I was at it and wound up bagging up every single item from that dresser. 

Then, because I had promised Mike one day while he was wearing a shirt that had stains and holes, I dove into his scrambled mess. Again, I filled a couple of garbage bags. He asked me if he had anything left to wear for the next day!

On the day I was planning to drop off the items that were still in good shape for donation, we chatted about it and I wondered how does one acquire so many clothes? As I sat and thought about it, I realized that about half of the shirts filling the bags that had come from my dresser and shelf were items that I've had for fifteen or so years. So, I guess it was just time to do some cleaning out.

A couple of days later, Mike came in while I was sitting at my computer and noticed that I had a clothing store website pulled up. He asked me if I was shopping to refill the coffers.

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