Guess who's sickly?
Yep, and I am one of those folks who resists doctors and medicines as much as possible. I've been schlepping round with 'sinus pressure' for a couple or three weeks. I would notice the stuffiness in my sinuses when I'd roll over in bed and it seemed like all the fluid in my head On New Year's Day I started REALLY feeling sinus-pressure-to-the-max - even to headache mode.
So, I crawled out of bed and shuffled to the shower and drug around to get dry and dressed and was out the door to the walk-in clinic by eight o'clock in the morning on January 2nd. Upon arrival I started to sign in and the girl behind the counter said, "We do not have a provider here as yet. I just want you to know that we have put a call in and don't know whether one will arrive in minutes or an hour or what." So, I tromped back out to the truck and went down the street to the local medical clinic. Nobody was in the waiting room; so, I thought I might have some luck. I asked the girl behind the counter there if there was a possibility to be a work-in because I was almost positive I have a sinus infection. She shook her head and said no. (Do these places just not want business or what is the story with that sort of attitude? I gave my regular doctor's office (which is a 40-minute drive across town away) a call and learned that he is off on Wednesdays and the Physician's Assistant is slammed but will try to work me in SOMETIME. So, I just trudged back home and flopped on the couch.
In a while, at about ten-thirty, the original walk-in clinic called and said the provider had arrived and I could be seen if I wanted to return to the clinic. I did. Six prescriptions.
I had to drive another ten miles to the pharmacy which my insurance is
I got back home at around one-thirty and crashed on the couch. I was $160 (plus the $10 for lunch and $3 for Red Box movies) poorer and still felt like crap.
The most important question I would like answered at this point is:
Why does cough syrup have to have such a B-A-D taste?
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